The Hunt… Take 2 / by Rochelle Santos

Originally posted on February 26, 2016

Search for work, do what you love.

It was just over 3 years ago I found myself without a job. It was hard to accept at first, but I quickly changed my perspective and set forth to conquer. This time around, I started out feeling optimistic and that always feels better.

You can read about my first ‘hunt’ here.

I have more experience and a better understanding of what moves me, but interestingly, not much has changed. I am still looking for daily excitement, goals and results to drive success and accomplishment; new teammates, leaders, and culture. I am still hoping for new knowledge, growth and advancement. I am still looking for a professional home – not just a job.

I resurrected my Google Doc and set out to make a new list of companies that I want to work for. This is one thing that’s changed from 3 years ago. I am no longer interested in B2B Marketing, at least not right now. I’ve discovered that I really enjoy consumer marketing as I am a consumer. I am a mother, a wife, a home owner, a woman who loves to travel and eat. I want to market products or services to people like me.

I transitioned my previous website a new portfolio site to compile all of my campaigns and personal events. It’s not 100% yet, but I will continue to build it up and hope that it will give me an advantage in the interview process.

I registered for career development events through MITX and Lee Hecht Harrison to have regular, adult conversations about who I am and what I want next – knowing that all of the time, money, and energy I put into this ‘hunt’ is an investment in my future.

I am thankful for my wonderful support system of family, friends, and former colleagues, as well as, the world of opportunity within a 30-mile radius. I am looking forward to the next set of challenges and the chance to impress a new set of colleagues. I am not just searching for work, I am on the hunt for a job I will love today and for years to come.