A Story, a Reaction, and Finally a Question… / by Rochelle Santos

Last night I went back to my alma mater, Northeastern University, for a short film premiere because my 7yo was in a child interview scene alongside several of our friends.

The film, “Backseat Girls”, is a story about life changes and taking on a new chapter - which is obviously relevant for the student filmmakers approaching graduation - but also to me as I pursue my next job. It's a reminder that regardless of age or experience, we never stop transitioning, growing, or going through some type of important life change. Even if you aren't, you likely know someone who is.

In the 19-minute film, we meet Annie and June as young girls. They grow up to run a radio show together and each show begins with a song prompt. Listeners call in and share a song that answered the question like:

  • What song gets you through a bad day?

  • What song reminds you of your mother?

  • What song would you dedicate to your best friend?

That last prompt comes when their friendship is strained and Annie begins to question the value of their show, June's commitment, and if they should be doing something else with their lives.  

While the film is centered around the big life question of ‘What am I doing with my life?’, the overarching message showcased through Annie and June's friendship, their radio show, and young students' interviews, is that it’s not about what you do, but it’s about the relationships that you have, and the people that you touch along the way.

This film spoke to me in ways I didn't expect. Besides the fact that I am trying to answer my own life questions, the song prompt aspect of the radio show was more relevant than even the filmmakers could have predicted. Or maybe they could?

It ties back to music.

Music is there for your big life questions, milestones and daily life, every feeling and emotion, and memories. I am always amazed when certain songs come on, that I can be immediately brought back to another time and place. This isn't a new thought for me, as I spent time working in the music industry specifically for my love of music, how it moves us, how it connects us to the world, and how it shapes our stories and experiences.

It's also no surprise that I turned to music during this difficult time dealing with the news of my layoff from a job I loved and imagined doing for the long haul. Every time I hear a song that speaks to my current situation, I add it to a playlist. While I have included uplifting songs, those that offer catharsis, and those that channel a desire to burn it all down (which of course, I would never do) - it is a reflection of the rollercoaster of emotions we feel when put in this position. 

So my question, in honor of the amazing student film I watched last night, and to build up on the playlist I already started is:

What song gets you through a lay off? 

Or maybe:

What song motivates you if you're recognizing that you need to make a change?  

If you are fortunate to not be in this situation, feel free to share 🔄 this post to broaden the reach to give those of us who are, maximum song possibilities. I will compile the suggestions with my own and comment with the playlist link!