This compilation of images offers a snapshot of activities pursued while being laid off. It doesn’t show the effort and hard work from behind the computer, but rather some of the experiential moments out in the world connecting with people and nature.
I never thought I’d see the day….
My husband beat me to the punch with a list! While he playfully gives me a hard time about my packing lists, grocery lists, and to-do lists, he recently shared what he’s been up to since getting laid off and now it’s my turn.
Pursuing a new job is a full-time job. It is exciting, full of hope and promise, but it can also be draining. To supplement the work and to support my stability while riding the waves, I’ve been keeping very busy!
It may be ongoing, but let’s consider this my current Have-Dones List vs. a To-Do List:
Self Care: I tried a Thai Massage for the first time and wow! Talk about letting loose! I immediately felt the release and cannot wait to go back again. Also mani/pedis, walks, hikes, bike rides, and looking at the sky. Sometimes you need to feel small in the world to reset your priorities. Let’s also not underestimate conversations with friends.
Volunteering: I’ve been at my kids’ school quite a bit. Field day, field trips to the farm and the art museum, book fair, and even the book fair at a friend’s school who was short on parents. Being around kids also resets the soul (sometimes felt best outside of the home, IFYKYK).
Updated Website: I added a couple of projects to my website. It won’t ever be completely done, so I just need to live with it for a bit and think about new ways to organize the projects. I am totally open to feedback if you have thoughts on better ways to present some of my accomplishments or if you know me and see that impressive things are missing ;)
Job Applications: I’ve mostly been scouring LinkedIn, Indeed, Higher Ed Jobs, and Ed Tech Jobs, as well as reviewing job alerts from a few different sites. Some applications were ‘one-click easy apply’, others required cover letters (which I love writing and that’s not sarcasm), and the really enticing opportunities require another level of outreach and networking. While I’ve submitted more than 40 applications, I am proud to say that I’ve only pursued roles that I’m specifically excited about and qualified for. I have no interest in wasting anyone’s time.
Networking: Phone chats, Zooms, a Polka Dot Powerhouse intro luncheon, a virtual and in-person Boston Business Women event at the amazing Bird and Bear Collective, coffees, adult beverages, seshes, and more. I have been loving reconnecting with former colleagues, friends, and meeting new people, which is especially important as I navigate an industry switch. I am grateful for the invaluable time spent and insight shared! If you’re reading this and want to talk or try something new, I would love to keep the momentum going - let’s chat!
Reading, Writing, Learning: Within my own personal and professional growth pursuits, I’ve been exploring the growing cannabis industry. My appreciation for cannabis culture associated with music, food, creativity, Jamaica, and general wellness have guided me to books, magazines, online content, and events that are feeding my soul. I’m not sure where it will lead, though I can see myself in the industry, reducing the stigma, and wholeheartedly supporting social equity programs that aim to address the historical disparities and injustices caused by the war on drugs. (more to come on this!)