The ask was to utilize video to showcase the custom gift assortment from Staples Copy and Print Services. We wanted to appeal to college students (and their parents).
This was a simple 'how-to' dress up your basic composition notebook. There were several other videos within this 'DIY' series.
This video shows parents, teachers, or students how to write, highlight, abd underline in textbooks without leaving a mark.
Trying to help get our audience 110% Ready for school, we put together this refresher on how to cover textbooks with brown paper.
Knowing that July is too early to touch on 'back to school', I came up with some content ideas to showcase product assortment and stay top of mind for Parents during the summer. To see all of the ideas, click here.
Using Facebook's Custom Audience tool, we were able to target 500k Teachers from our Rewards database with Teacher-specific content.
This Facebook post serves double-duty. Generate engagements AND create awareness for product assortment. It was also included in the #StaplesForStudents Sweepstakes which helped increase the engagements.
The goal of this Facebook post was to generate engagements while incorporating awareness messaging around low prices on all back to school needs.
Our traffic-driving strategy was not focused solely on commerce. We had several pieces of helpful content to engage Parents.
Targeting students in August, we presented inspirational ways to spice up (or organize) school lockers. See the content here.
As part of the slow lead up to back to school messaging, I came up with the idea to help parents or working professionals to create a lunch-making station. This would save them time and help them to be more organized. See the content here.
We know that video content (or stop motion GIFs) are bound to get views (read: engagements) so we found creative ways to present our back to school assortment, highlighting low prices.